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Referencing the Richard Falk article at the link above, as was shared here earlier today, and his important point that the war in Ukraine is a “geopolitical war,” as explained below, with me only quibbling on the minor point that I would describe it is a "geopolitical war of the U.S. aggressing against Russia.” That was what was called for beginning at the end of the Cold War with the Cheney/Wolfowitz Doctrine of 1992. And articulated more fully by the mostly Republican PNAC group and the Democrat's Brzezinski later in the 1990s calling for US domination of the Eurasian Landmass. On which China, Russia, and Ukraine are the centerpiece of. This incitement of wars of aggression by the US Militarists (like Mussolini’s “Militarists") like the Cheneyites and the Brzezinski wing of the Democrats, descended as they are ideologically to the Scoop Jackson Democrats, who in turn are descended from the Willmoore Kendall/Franks S. Meyer/Straussian ultra-militarist “New Conservatives” of the 1950s (before the common usage of “Neo”), should have taken the mask off of US foreign policy in its “governance" of the world under the Cheney/Wolfowitz Doctrine to show what Sheldon Wolin called “Inverted Totalitarianism.” 

Richard Falk captures the “true nature,” in Clausewitzian terms, of the Ukraine theater of this US assault on Eurasia as we move into the next to final phase of it, against Russia, with the final phase being China (all others will be “pacification operations,” against Iran, for example). Falk wrote:  

"The wider war is best understood as occurring on two levels: a traditional war between the invading forces of Russia and the resisting forces of Ukraine as intertwined with an encompassing geopolitical war between the U.S. and Russia. It is the prosecution of this latter war that presents the more profound danger to world peace, a danger that has been largely obscured or assessed as a mere extension of the Russia/Ukraine confrontation. Biden has consistently struck a militarist, demonizing, and confrontational note in the geopolitical war, deliberately antagonizing Putin while quite pointedly neglecting diplomacy as the obvious way to stop the killing, and atrocities, in effect, encouraging the war on the ground to be prolonged because its continuation is indispensable in relation to the implicitly higher stakes of grand strategy, which is the core preoccupation of a geopolitical war."

I have argued for years that Trump was “pre-positioning” as close to Russia as possible for eventual aggression against Russia, a logistics system, weaponry, and mobile military forces. Just as I saw done, and participated in the same, in the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War in Kuwait and S.A., in preparation for more war there. Which we knew would come, because we or our closest ally would instigate so much of it. With consequences which became apparent later in the form of al Qaeda.

But, a few of you might bleat: “Trump was ending the endless wars.” Which I can only pity anyone who believed that, for their extreme gullibility, and/or, obtuseness, as there is so much counter evidence to that, which I’ve frequently shared here. Including today with Trump’s allies, Boris Johnson and Mitch McConnell, taking full ownership of the Ukraine War now, and what follows from it, as shown on Fox News Sunday. Which is not to excuse the Brzezinski-Militarist wing of the Democrats, which Biden is a leader of, along with Hilary Clinton, and a completely militaristic younger generation of Democrats, to go with their Republican counterparts.

So, listening to Fox News Sunday as I do occasionally to hear what the US bi-partisan Militarists are up to, I heard the following between Dana Perino and Mitch McConnell. 

Criticizing SecDef Austin for not stating “clearly” to Congress what our “goal” is in Ukraine, Mitch McConnell stated what it must be:

"We want the Ukrainians to win, to win, to defeat the Russians, the Russians to withdraw from the country, and that oughta be our goal. I think the administration has gotten better but that they had to be pushed every step of the way to get more aggressive sooner. They are stepping up their game but principally only because of bi-partisan pressure by Congress, uh, on the administration, to do more quicker (TP - echoing Republican’s favorite Fascist, Michael Ledeen’s constant plea for more war, "Faster, please”). So I think they’re getting better, but they still don’t understand the goal (a bit of a snicker, here): The goal is for Ukraine to win."

Q: to Mitch McConnell: How important is it for China to see Putin lose here?

A: by Mitch McConnell: "Well, you know, China has a choice, they can observe what’s going on and I’m sure they are, and choose to be with the civilized world, or they can go in the direction of the Russians uh I’m hopeful that the Chinese will look at the challenges the Russians have experienced trying to invade another country, internalize that, and maybe make a decision they’re better off to operate around the world uh within the framework of the civilized world who don’t invade other countries.” End Quote

If “history” began yesterday, and one is incapable of thinking “expansively,” the “perception” that only Russia is a country that “invades other countries,” and something which the US would never consider doing, might seem “credible.” Which, since “Cognitive Warfare” by the US, against its own population, and the world’s, has been so successful, is largely the case.

Including the cognitive campaign to frighten us so much with how overwhelming the Russian military was, relative to our own pitiable, underfunded, forces are. 

But that’s all changed now and as a former intell agency employee shared, in the short video below, “ya ain’t seen nothin’ yet!"

Must-haves on neocon and neolib wish lists.......

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